Praise be to Allah and peace be upon those whom He chose.
There are many religions in the world and each religion claims to be true, but all of them cannot be true, because they are contrary to each other. Now the question arises: Which is the true religion? This book gives you the answer of this question.
Every religion claims to be from the God. If a religion is from the God, it should present the right concept of the God. How can we conceive that the God has sent a religion which conveys wrong concept of Himself? If any religion presents the wrong concept of the God, that itself gives a proof of its falsehood. Therefore to find the true religion, one must study the concept of God in all religions.
Now, what is the right concept of the God? And what is the wrong concept of the God? The right concept of the God comprises with the attributes of the God that the God deserves, such as: the God should be All-Powerful, All-Living, Eternal, All-Hearing, All-Seeing, etc. On contrary the wrong concept of the God comprises with the attributes of the God that the God does not deserve, such as: ignorance, foolishness, birth, death, eating, sleeping, weeping, weakness, dependence, defeat, having parents, wife and children, etc. No normal person can conceive these flaws in the God, but, in the concepts of God in all religions except Islam, we find that some or all of these flaws have been ascribed toward the God, Subhaanahu wa Ta’aala.
In this book, I am going to present the concept of the God in Islam. And I hope if any non-Muslim studies the concept of the God in Islam and the concept of god in his/her religion, he will Insha-Allah find the true religion and the true God.
There are many other proofs of Islam’s truthfulness. I have mentioned a few of them in this book; I appeal all the readers of the book to study this book without prejudice and bias, and ponder on the truth. Your good future is in following the Truth.
May Allah guide all of us to the Truth. (Aameen)
Dr. Noorul Hussain K.
How to find the True Religion – (English) – (PB)
How to find the true religion by Dr Noorul Hussain K., is a one of a kind book which shines light on the concept of god, and people’s belief and how important faith is to people, and how one can achieve peace by identifying true religion.
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