Salah is one of the most important fundamentals of Islam. Rasulullah (PBUH) has emphasized its importance in numerous ahadith. After Iman (belief in Allah and His Messenger [PBUH]), salah is the most important pillar of Islam. It will be the first action about which one will be questioned on the Day of Judgment as Abu Hurairah (PBUH) has reported:
The first act for which a person will be questioned on the Day of Judgment will be salah.
Anas reports that Rasulullah (PBUH) said,
When a woman performs her five daily salah, fasts in Ramadan, remains chaste and obeys her husband, she will enter jannah from whichever door she pleases.
Due to the importance of this act of Worship, it is imperative that one carries it out aCCording to the sunnah of Rasulullah. Every minute detail should be meticulously followed so that one’s salah can be aCCeptable in the court of Allah.
In Shariah, many of the laws that apply to females are different to those that apply to males. For example, a woman is not permitted to travel without a mahram while a male is permitted to do so. ‘Likewise, there are many other laws that are applicable to one gender and not to the other. A whole chapter has been devoted in this book to highlight some of the differences.
Similarly, the method of performing salah for females is slightly different to that of males. This will be proven in the light of the ahadith (traditions) of Rasulullah (PBUH), the statements of the Sahabah it; and the learned scholars of Islam.
There is a group among the Muslims called the Ghair Muqallidin who claim that there is no difference in their salahs. Their women perform salah in exactly the same manner as the males. However, this is due to their gross
All Books > Women who adopt any of the schools of thought of the four Imams viz; Shafi’i, Maliki, Hanbali or Hanafi Mazhab, should be completely at ease that the method in which they perform their saliah is correct and in aCCordance to the hadith of Rasfllullah (PBUH) as will be proven in the ensuing pages. They should not be misled by the ignorant women who imitate males in performing their saliah, especially in the two harams of Makkah Mukarramah and Madinah Munawwarah.
In chapter one, the detailed method of salah has been outlined. One who is only looking for the method of performing salah without going into any detailed proofs will find this chapter very helpful. Chapter two discusses some of the differences in the laws of lslam between males and females. In chapter three, the detailed proofs from the ahadith regarding certain postures that are adopted by females have been mentioned. Chapter four is devoted to the statements of the jurists regarding the different postures of females in salah while chapter five discusses the issue of women attending the salah in the masjid.
The Author Name(s) makes an earnest dua to Allah to aCCept this humble effort and make it a means of guidance for all the Muslims.
The Salah of All Books > Women – (English/Arabic) – (PB)
In this book, it is discussed in detail, the manner in which Salah has to be performed by females as outlined by the Hanafi jurists in the light of the Ahadith of Rasulullah (SAW) the Athar of the Sahabah (RA) and the Tabi’un.
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