Jannatul Baqie is the blessed ground where the members of the noble family of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) are buried. Besides this, a number of eminent Sahaba are also buried in this ground. Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said, Seventy thousand Muslim Men and All Books > Women Shall rise from Baqie (On the day of Judgment) With shining faces like moon and they will enter Paradise without reckoning. This book provides the Wafiyat of Jannatul Baqie describing why it is such an auspicious place. The second half of this book, Al Faqro Fakhri said by the Holy Prophet (PBUH), meaning The opted Poverty is my pride, this half of the book describes the economic aspect of the Prophet’s(PBUH) life.


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Madina Munawwarah is the city which every Muslim long to visit at least once in life and Jannatul Baqie is the place where every Muslim aspire to be buried. Madina Munawwarah is the city where Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) migrated, preached Islam, established the first Islamic State, sent embassies to the kings and the emperors of the world and sent punitive campaigns against those who opposed Islam. He lived for more than a decade there, received thousands of revelation, from Almighty Allah, guided the people, passed a very noble and chaste life, expired and was buried there. Here stands the Mastoid al Nabavi which he built with his own hands. He bore all type of human hardships gladly for the sake of Islam. This is the city loved by him and his Sahaba (companions) .
Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said Whoever bears the hardship of life in Madina Munawwarah, I will be his witness and intercessor on the Day of Judgment. Mastoid Nabavi is the most sacred mosque on the face of earth after Holy Harem of Makkah Mukarramah. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said, Whoever offered forty Salaat in my Mastoid, without missing any one of them, deliverance from the Fire and salvation on the Day of Iudgment, is recorded for him. (Tabari) The reward of a salaat in Mastoid Nabavi is a thousand fold with other places. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said Salaat in this Mastoid of mine is more virtuous than one thousand salaat offered any where else, except Mastoid al Haraam.
Inside the Mastoid Nabavi, there is a place called Riadul Jannah (flower-bed of Paradise). Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said Between my house and the pulpit lies a garden from the gardens of Paradise. (Bukhari & Muslim). Madina Munawwarah is protected from any epidemic plague and the invasion of Dajjal. It refines the people as sulpher refines the iron. If any one plans to tease or harass the residents of Madina, Almighty Allah punishes him severely. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said, There in none who plans any mischief or oppression to the residents of Madina, but Allah melts him like lead melts in fire or dissolves him as salt dissolves in water. (Muslim) The Muslims having the sweetness of lmaan always try to return to Madina. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said, Definitely, lmaan returns to Madina as a serpent returns to its hole .
Due to the enormous blessings every Muslim aspires to visit, live and even die in Madina Munawwarah. Caliph Umer ibn al Khattab once prayed, O my Lord Allah bless me martyrdom and cause me to die in the city of Thy Prophet. (Bukhari) Almighty Allah aCCepted his prayer and awarded him martyrdom in Madina Munawwarah. Imam Malik bin Anas always walked on foot and never rode his mount in Madina Munawwarah. He said that respect of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) is due upon us in his life and even after his death.
The best generation of Muslims called Sahaba is buried in Madina Munawwarah. Every inch of this Holy City is full of blessings. With the present expansion of Holy Harem, approximately the whole Madina of Prophet’s time has been covered by the Mastoid Nabavi and the adjacent pavements.
Whenever you enter Harem, declare your intention for E’tekaaf for increased blessings. Offering salaat and salaam to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) standing at Mawajeh Sharief is the great felicity in Mastoid Nabavi. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said, Who so ever offers salaat once upon me Allah sends ten-time mercy upon him, remits ten vices and raises him ten ranks.
JannatuI Baqie is the blessed ground where the members of the noble family of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) are buried. Besides this, a number of eminent Sahaba are also buried in this ground. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said, Seventy thousand Muslims (man and woman) shall rise from Baqie (on the Day of Judgment) with shining faces like moon and they will enter Paradise without reckoning. (may my Lord Allah make me one of them). ]annatul Baqie is a large ground situated in front (now adjacent) to Masjid Nabavi.
When Uthman bin Mazuun, one of the early Muslims, expired, Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) buried him in Baqie. He was the first Muhajir to expire in Madina and the first person to be buried in Baqie. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) ‘prayed for him, and placed a stone to identify his grave. Asad bin Zararah was the first from Ansar to be buried in Baqie. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) used to visit Jannatul Baqie and pray for the people buried there. When Sayyeda Ayesha asked as how to pray for the people of Baqie, he replied saying:
Assalaamu ala ahlid deyari minal momeneena Val Muslemeen, va yarhamual laahul mutaqaddemeena Val mustaakhereen, va Inna Insha-Allahu bekum laaheqoon. ;
Peace be upon you, O, the Muslims and the believers, Dwelling in these abodes, May Allah have mercy Upon our predecessors and the suCCessors. And behold we are, God willing, Coming to join you soon “.
May Almighty Allah include us among the dwellers of Jannatul Baqie.
Madina Munawwarah
11th Rabi al Awwal 1425AH

Weight 0.204 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 × 0.6 cm
Author Name / Translator

Abu Tariq Hijazi

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Islamic Book Service P. Ltd – India


9788172314825, 9788172314828

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