Islam is the best religion with the worst followers, says George Barnard Shaw. Is it a compliment or contempt? To my mind, it is a great compliment to Islam and caution, not contempt, to Muslims to live up to the Islamic principles and faith, if they really wish to be recognized as the real representatives of this great religion. Allama Iqbal, the great Indian poet put it more eloquently and powerfully: If we are resolved to describe Islam as a system of superior values, we are obliged, first of all, to acknowledge that we are not the true representative of Islam.
It is time for Muslims to search their souls where they have erred and where they have gone astray? ‘Islamic Faith’ is Trust that Allah has placed in the hearts of the believers. This Trust is a great responsibility on the shoulders of Muslims. They must not only live up to this trust, but also demonstrate the faith through their actions and behaviour.
As I could understand Islam is a simple religion, which has been made complex by its followers. Too deep inquiry in softer aspects does not produce good results. Many followers in anxiety of splitting the hair, made this simple religion quite complex, rather complicated, each giving it a meaning using one’s own fanciful intellect. We divided the faith in many sects, people of each school of thought monopolising Islam, claiming his way of thinking is the only right way This reminds me an anecdote shared by Paulo Coelho in one of his articles on spirituality: The Devil was talking to his friends when they noticed a man who reached down to pick up something from the floor.
‘Man found a piece of truth,’ said the Devil. His friends were very concerned. A piece or truth could save the soul of man and meant one less person in Hell. But the Devil remained undisturbed, looking at the landscape. ‘Do not worry’, said the Devil to his friends. ‘Do you know what he will do with this piece? As always, he will create a new sect. And be able to move more people away from the whole truth.’
Satan has spoiled many good religions by confusing the followers. Now he has cast his evil eye on Islam. Only the fruit-bearing trees receive stones. Likewise, the robbers never go to a pauper’s house for robbery. Satan is a clever robber. Pure faith and its followers always remain on his target. His hard efforts got him good results – the followers of Islam divided it into many ‘maslak’ – groups or school of thoughts. The followers are causing incalculable damage to Islam, mistaking their efforts as great service to Islam.
Islam stands for love and peace for the entire mankind. Allah sent Prophet Mohammed as mercy to the entire mankind. He demonstrated and lived up to what Allah expected from him. It is not enough to praise the Prophet; we are required to demonstrate, ‘What we think’, ‘What we feel, ‘What we say and ‘How we behave’ are fully in congruence of the life of the great prophet. Praising the Prophet as the most merciful is not enough; Muslims must demonstrate mercy in their actions. Then alone they will be entitled to praise the most praiseworthy. There is a saying that one dead fish spoils the entire water pond. An infinitesimally small group went astray and brought defame to the entire Muslim community. I do not know whether this insignificant segment has really gone astray or has sold their man to the global conspirators. The Secret Society is capable of playing mischief and hatching conspiracies. They are able to do it with ease capturing the media. For the past few decades Islam has become the victim of this global conspiracy – the conspirators with the support of some black sheep, are trying to give an ugly face to Islam of and some handful foolish believers are buying the masks terrorism. They are carrying out certain activities against mankind, which has no relation with Islam and the teachings of the Prophet of Islam. Once a community earns (or given) a bad image in society, even the sins of others are assigned to that community. It has been happening and shall happen. The conspirators do take the advantage and shall continue to take advantage. They are trying to malign the image of Islam and some Muslims, in their ignorance, are falling prey to these conspiracies.
Creating terror or killing the innocents using the human bombs or suicide-bombers has no place in Islam. Let someone show me a single, I repeat, a single Qur’anic verse or an authentic Hadith in support of terrorism and mass- killings of innocent people. Or else, I shall quote a multitude from the Holy Qur’an. Qur’an has given the message of peace. Qur’an proclaims: If anyone kills a person, it would be as if he killed the entire mankind and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the entire mankind. (Qur’an 5:32)
Islam has never given women the secondary position and Prophet Mohammad had never mentioned that the girls should not pursue knowledge through formal education. Education is education – if it is good, it is good for both, boys and girls and if it is bad, it is bad for both of them. How can one kill the school going girls owing to one’s own defined canons? If there are ailments in society there are better ways to heal them.
Islam means peace. Islam also means Surrender to Allah – the one and only. The followers of Islam must create peace and live in peace and surrender to Allah and worship Him alone. This is what I have understood after reading Islam carefully. Islam gives a clear message to its followers that don’t denounce others’ faith. If you denounce their religion they will denounce your religion. Qur’an asks Muslims to say others who do not believe in Islamic faith: I do not worship what you worship. You do not worship what I will never worship what you worship. You will never worship what I worship. You have your religion and I have mine. (Qur’an 109:1-6). What a noble message to create peace and live in peace with people of other faiths!
Quran further says To every People We have appointed rites and ceremonies, which they must follow; let them not then dispute with thee on the matter, but do thou invite (them) to thy Lord: for thou art assuredly on the Right Way.” (Qur’an 22:67) Qur’an repeats this message once again in another Surah “To each among you have We prescribed a law and an open way If Allah had so willed, He would have made you a single people, but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to Allah; it is He what will show you the truth of the matters in which ye dispute” (Qur’an 5:48) The purpose is compete with each other in some sort of race to stay ahead in the matters of virtue, not to fight to kill each other. Competing virtue is good; competing in worldly gains is not akin to Islam. Allah makes it clear that it is for Allah to decide and settle. He asks the believers to forgive and not fight, ‘ Tell those who believe to forgive those who do not look forward to the Days of Allah, It is for Him to recompense (for good or ill) each people aCCording to what they have earned. (Qur’an 45:14). It is better if such matters are left to God
The conspirators have created a distorted perception that Islam preaches hatred, intolerance and violence some Muslims, in ignorance, demonstrate exactly in that manner, making the world believe what the propagandists wanted to project. Why Muslims are falling prey to the conspirators? It is owing to weakness of faith and not having clarity about the softer aspects of Islam In mosques the Imams in their sermon keep focus only on Muslims obligation towards Allah – Believe in One and Only, Pray five times, observe fasts during the month of Ramadan, give charity and perform Hajj. They forget to remind Muslims their obligations towards mankind – love your neighbor, help steadfastness. Some Imam do convey this message in the mosques and they are doing the trues service to Islam. Muslims are required to fulfil both the obligations – their obligations towards Allah and obligations towards mankind. The purpose of this book is to explain the various aspects, including the metaphysical and intangible aspects of Islam in simple words.
I have divided this book in four parts. In first part, I have kept focus on the aspects, which make Islam stand out. Every religion preaches that the followers must worship, give charity and develop piety and many such aspects relating to spirituality. But Islam not only explains man’s obligations but also guides the followers by showing the ways and means. also prescribes and proscribes – what to do, how to do? What not to do, and how to desist from evil. The entire process is what prescribed and explained meticulously, something like, in management is known as Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Qur’an is not merely the book of teachings book of comprehensive guidance and Sunnah- how Prophet lived hiss life – sets before us the examples and provides a comprehensive model, which helps the followers to lead a purposeful life. I have compared this uniqueness of Islam with the Wings, which take us to greater heights and help discover the unknown horizons. In the second part of this book I have traced the Islamic roots right up to Adam and beyond. I have also provided a brief historical aCCount of Semitic religions and their interwoven relationships and mingled cultural backdrop. The third part takes the readers to the immeasurable and bottomless depth of Islam and Islamic practices. In the fourth chapter I have tried epitomise and weave the loose-threads against the backdrop of Prohpets Last Sermon. The Last Sermon of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is quite brief but bottomless deep. It includes every important aspect of Islam.
On purpose I have used some specific Arabic words to I have maintain the spirit of those words. However provided the glossary at the end of this book indicating the ‘near-equivalent’ words, so that readers may understand those words.
As I have mentioned, Islam has roots — It is a deep- rooted religion. Islam can be best understood as a continuation of the Judeo-Christian background or rather Abrahamic faith and traditions, honouring the Hebrew prophets, as well Jesus and Mary. Muslims, however, are very sensitive to the issue of attributing divinity to a human being, which they see as the primary error of Christianity, Identifying any human being exclusively as God is taken a great blasphemy in Islam. Prophet Mohammad is the last of those human prophets who brought the message of ‘Tawhid’ (Oneness of God). He came as mercy to the entire mankind – no divinity is attached to him. I have taken an extra care to make the description in such a manner that even a reader who does not have any The background of Islam should also be able to understand. format of language is simple and easily understandable. Not words, meaning is important. Words are like a carriage – what the carriage carries is more important. The words are like the nest, and meaning is the twittering bird. Don’t look at the nest; hear what the bird is chirping! If this book could create a feeling of awe and touches the heart and soul of readers, my purpose of Author Name(s)ing this book stands fulfilled.
Moid Siddiqui
Islam – A Religion with Wings
Dedicated to people who ponder upon finding the purpose of life and trying to discover the creator – the Most Compassionate and Merciful – Who created man, the heaven and the earth, and all creatures (visible and invisible) and showered His Blessings upon them. Man may or may not discern but his soul recognizes Him! No Creature on this earth can ever deny His Blessings. A true believer surrenders his will to the Will of God – the One and Only. This Book is dedicated to such believers of GOD.
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