There is no denying the fact that the Evil forces, in this present age of ours, are at liberty to harm and weaken the unity of Islam. And the Muslim, who had born in this world to become a true ambassador of Islam, do not possess the true character of a Muslim. He does not know in detail the way of living by following which one can seek the pleasure of God, and unfortunately he is imitating the modes of living of other like Yahud-o-Nasara .
Contrary to this, today Islam needs only such men of character who have firm belief in Allah and His Apostle Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), they can translate His teachings into practice, then become the standard bearers of His Message and propagate it to the world at large. This is the Road which leads to suCCess and salvation and this was the Mission of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and on its suCCess hinges the suCCess of Muslim.
It is therefore high time to show the Muslim best way, of living a life of obedience to God providing him with the full knowledge and understanding of Islam. In view of the pressing need of the time and realising its importance for English reading public, our academy has made an attempt first of all to present the most valuable book consisting the detailed study of Islamic faith and paradise named Bahishti-Zewar (Heavenly Ornaments). This is the book which has won the admiration and applause of the Muslims and Non-Muslim scholars all over the world. The learned Author Name(s) of this book, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi is well known by the honorary name of Hakeem-ul-Ummat through-out the world of Islam, and needs no introduction. He is Author Name(s) of more than one thousand books and pamphlets on Islam, providing the present age Revival of Islam with the intellectual foundations.
We hope that the English reading Muslims and Non-Muslims will find this book most helpful in understanding Islam and Islamic Way of life.
If the lovers of Islam extended their Moral and Material help, the Publisher by the grace of God will make best of his efforts to arrange the publication of other remarkable books giving a lucid, comprehensive and unsophisticated view of Islam.
The Publisher
Bahishti Zewar (Heavenly Ornaments) – (English) – (PB)
Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi is the Author Name(s) of more than a thousand books. Muslims throughout the world are benefiting from all his books, he never reserved their copyright for himself and permitted all the Muslim Publishers to publish them of their will. ‘Bahishti Zewar’ is a collection of remedies which was compiled for the purpose of improvement in the lives of people in the light of religion, Sunnah and the traditions. Countless blessing of Allah may descend upon the grave of Maulana Thanvi who imparted knowledge of Islam to a novice like us. This is an English translation by Muhammed Masroor Khan Saroha.
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