Every messenger of Allah brought the common message, the oneness of God (Tawheed). The Holy Quran says Say, He Allah is One. Alah is Independent (He needs no one and nothing, but every one and everything needs Him). He has no children and is not any one’s child. There is none equal to Him (neither in His Being nor in His qualities). The purpose of this book is to bring the humanity together by explaining and clarifying the meanings of Imaan and Tawheed, which is the key to Jannah, the paradise. Because, Allah S.W.T. forgives any of the sins except Shirk (to attributing an equal partner unto Allāh, or associating anyone or anything with Him).
One and Only (Tawhid-The Key to Jannah) – (English) – (PB)
The Oneness of God (the common message brought by each messenger of Allah) which is the key to Jannah, explained in a unique way
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