The disastrous effects of sin arc manifold: being recognised as the prime cause of calamities and destruction in both the worlds, it provokes the wrath of Allah and brings about divine punishments.
It deprives one from the Mercy, Favours and Blessings of Allah, decreasing one’s sustenance and becoming a means of anxiety and perplexity . The light of the heart is extinguished and lustre from one’s face is destroyed. These are but some of the serious consequences of Sin, which remains the most destructive, highly detrimental and utterly devastating element on earth.
To save humanity from the disastrous effects of sin in both the worlds, thousands of Ambiyaa (A.S.) were sent to differentiate sin from piety, evil from good and vice from virtue. To this end, trails of righteousness and piety have been left behind for posterity with clear guidelines, distinguishing sin from virtue.
As a warning to humanity, the Holy Qur’aan also recounts events of destruction which annihilated many receding nations for their indulgence in sin and transgressions.
Unfortunately today, shaitaan has spread his net of deception far and wide, causing an attraction towards sin which has become disguised by other appealing forms and therefore perpetrated openly and fearlessly on a large scale, internationally.
As abstention from sin is the corner-stone of piety and spiritual advancement, the learned Author Name(s) has rendered a great service by identifying and pin-pointing fun in all spheres of one’s life, in the light of Islamic Teachings; and thus simplifying the task for muslims to avoid sin.
This Publication should be studied thoroughly by all members of the society and circulated widely in order to create a general insight, awareness and consciousness of sin and its various branches.
I pray that Almighty Allah grant the learned Author Name(s) a long life and good health to continue his laudable efforts. May all his works be blessed with divine aCCeptance and crowned with resounding suCCess.
(Member of Executive Committee : Jamiatul Ulama – Natal)
Sins – (English) – (PB)
Numerous types of Sins have been listed in this book under various headings in this book. The aim of this book is to produce awareness in the heart of every muslim so that one can realise whether one is involved in sin or not because unfortunately, there are so many muslims who are not even conscious of the fact that they are indulginh in sinful activities. Without this recognition man will neither repent and seek pardon nor will see the need for rectifying his faults in future.
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