Those people who do not have the capability to read the Masnoon du ‘as (invocations derived from the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]) in Arabic, can, indeed, achieve closeness to Allah (Sub-hanahu wa ta ‘ala) by invoking Him through reading their translation, and InshaAllah, they will get reward for it. In this way they are acting upon the decree of Allah that “invoke Me (regarding everything).
Further more they are also acting upon a Hadith Du ‘a (invocation) is the essence of every prayer or worship. Since these invocations have been reported on the Author Name(s)ity of the Prophet (PBUH), they are comprehensive and free from any kind of error or disrespect. Therefore, even those who can read Arabic language must oCCasionally read their translation to grasp the meaning of the invocations to know for what they are invoking Allah. Then this invocation would be real invocation. (Allah knows better)
Mohammad Yunus Palanpuri
Ad-Dua Divine Help 2 Colour (Translation Of Momin Ka Hathiyar (English/Arabic) – pkt (PB)
It is a book that have a collection of duas for different oCCasions, their meanings and their purpose of reciting in the name of Allah and his beloved Prophet (PBUH).
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