Teach Yourself Urdu in Two Months – (Eng to Urdu)

Teach Yourself Urdu in Two Months focuses on teaching the Urdu language in a short duration with the help concise and precise methods. The main objective of this book is to help beginners and to ease the difficulties, which are not explained in other books. Each rule has been suCCessfully tried on a considerable number of promising pupils, while studying under the Author Name(s).


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The chief object of this book is to meet a beginner’s wants, and to remove the difficulties, which are not explained in most other books. Points which to learned writer may seem too easy to require an explanation, often present a great difficulty to a beginner.
When starting to learn Urdu a beginner has to face several difficulties, e.g.,
(i) The pronunciation;
(ii) The order of words in a sentence;
(iii) Formation of the various plurals;
(iv) Declensions of Noun, and,
(v) Agreement of the Adjectives and Verbs with the Nouns in gender, number and case
Now, if a beginner (of elementary education) is taught and expected to observe all the above rules at the very beginning, he naturally gets confused, and regards the language as too tedious to be learnt and gives it up as a failure, failure.
During his thirty year experience, the Author Name(s) has come to the conclusion that it is best to master one difficulty at a time, in particular the art of putting words in the right order, otherwise the agreement of words will be confused. The following rules have been observed in this book:
(1) The second chapter teaches only the order of words in a sentence. The beginner, having mastered the rule, can then confidently proceed with the grammar.
(2) In order to refresh the student’s memory, the English grammar terms are explained, as they oCCur in the book.
(3) Under each sentence, in the examples, the English words are put in the order in which they are to be translated into Urdu.
(4) The examples to every rule are arranged in such a way that if carefully studied, they will answer any question which may arise in the mind of a student, when doing the exercise concerned.
(5) Urdu each rule two exercises are given, one to be translated from Urdu into English, and the other from English into Urdu.
(6) After every five or six rules, revisional exercises, composed of mixed sentences on the preceding rules, are given to ensure that the student remembers those rule before he proceeds any further.
In short, neither effort nor pain has been spared to make this book clear, useful, and as simple as possible. To ensure this, each rule in the book has been suCCessfully tried on a considerable number of promising pupils, while studying under the Author Name(s).
In conclusion, I wish to thank those who have patronized and shown appreciation of my humble efforts in producing this book.

Dimensions 21.8 × 14.2 × 1.1 cm
Author Name / Translator

Prof. Aziz-ur-Rahman

Published by

Islamic Book Service P. Ltd – India


978172310102, 978172310103

Select Binding Type & Box

Paper Back

Publication Year


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22cm X 14cm

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