By Hadhrat Molana Muhammad Taql Usmanl BA; LLB.
Judge Supreme Court Deputy Chairman Islamic Figh Academy Jeddah;
Lecturer Darul Uloom Karachi
In the name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful All praise belong to Allah alone and peace be upon His servants
whom He has chosen
AI-Hisnul Hasln is a compilation of the supplications of our Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu-alayhi-wasallam) written by the well-known scholar of Hadith, Allama lbn Al-Jazri (RA). The original work is in Arabic and was translated later on in different languages.
Molana Muhammad ldris Mairathi (RA), a contemporary scholar in Pakistan, while translating the book into Urdu, rearranged the supplications contained in the book so as to facilitate their recital at the relevant oCCasions. The book compiled by Molana Muhammad ldris is very useful for the common Muslims from a practical point of view in that it makes it easy for a layman to consult the book without any difficulty at all at a particular oCCasion and to benefit therefrom.
Molana Muhammad Rafeeq Hathurani has translated the work of Molana ldris into English. I did not have the opportunity to go through the book completely. Yet l have perused certain parts of the book and found them to be correct and useful. l hope that this work of Molana Hathurani will be beneficial to all conversant with English. May Allah approve this effort of his and grant it wide aCCeptance among the Muslims.
Muhammad Taqi Usmani.
14 Jamaduth-Thaniyah 1413 AH (December 1992).
Al Hisnul Hasin is a compilation of the simplification of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) written by the well known Scholars of Hadith, Allamma ibn Al-Jazri (RA). The original work is in Arabic and was translated later on in different languages.
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