The journey to MeCCa and Medina is no ordinary trip. One visits extremely sacred places and passes through moments in which Allah aCCepts dues (prayers). A list of places and times of aCCeptance is given hereunder. Therefore one has to strive in due at all times in these places otherwise the journey will be a fruitless exercise. Apart from sacred places the Haji/Mutamir also oCCupies a special position in the eyes of Allah.
Abu Huraira (RA) reports from Rasulullah (SAW) that “The Haji and Mutamir are the guests of Allah. When they make due unto Him, He aCCepts, and when they seek His Pardon, He forgives them.”
Ibn Majah.
Allah also says in the Quran
Call unto me and I will reply to you. (Quran 40:60). This verse is of a general nature applying to all. From the above Hadith we make out that the pilgrim enjoys a special closeness to Allah with a virtual guarantee of aCCeptance. The pilgrim must not regard this is a blank cheque but certain conditions govern this promise of Allah. These are mentioned further on and also a warning to those whose dues are not aCCepted. We read in the Quran of Shaitan making a request to Allah and that his request is granted by Allah. (See Quran)
Despite the fact that Shaitan had already fallen from the Grace of Allah.
If Allah could grant that rebel a wish, will he not aCCept the requests of member of the Umm ah of Muhammad (SAW) who has left his home and dear ones to be present in the barren precincts of MeCCa, calling out to his Creator l am present, O’ Allah I am present. Therefore dear pilgrim try your best and make as much due as possible whilst in the Haramain Sharifain (The Two Sacred Places).
A large amount of sayings of the Prophet (SAW) also exhort the believer to turn to his Creator. In fact one Hadith says Dua (prayer) is also a form of worship. (Abu Daud/Tirmizi).
A few etiquettes of due are mentioned here:
(i) Where possible face the Qiblah (Whilst making tawaf one should not face or look at the Ka’bah.)
(ii) Recite the due in a moderate tone
(iii) Be humble and imploring to Allah
(iv) Repeat the d`ua thrice
(v) Hope for aCCeptance but do not expect immediate results
(vi) Be attentive while making due
(vii) Begin every due praising Allah, sending blessings to the Holy Prophet (Salat alan Nabi/Durood) and end the prayer with Salat alan Nabi/Durood and praise of Allah.
Finally, and the most important:
Repentance, settling any outstanding wrongs with others and turning towards one’s Lord. t
Duas are not aCCepted of those people whose earnings are haram (unlawful). Islam has laid great stress on earning an honest living. Here are some common areas of haram. (This is not an extensive list.)
(1) Living off interest
(2) Gambling
(3) Buying and selling of stolen property
(4) Usurping estates from the lawful heirs
(5) Dealing in alcoholic drinks (including being employed by a brewery.)
(6) Proceeds from prostitution and pornography.
Dear Muslim brother and sister, beware of haram earnings for it shuts one off from the Creator.
A person going for Haj or Umrah whilst indulging in any of the above will not return a purified man but probably worse in outlook. Allah save us from all evil. Times when duas are aCCepted :
(a) Friday
(b) The last third portion of the night
(c) When it rains
(d) When salah is about to start and after salah
(e) On seeing the Ka’bah.
Places where dues are aCCepted:
(1) Arafat on the 9th of Zil Haj
(2) Mina (especially after stoning the 1st and second jamarahs on the 11th and 12th of Zil Haj
(3) At the Multazam
(4) The well of Zam Zam
(5) Sofa – Marwah and in between the two
(6) In the Ka’bah
(7) The Hatim
(8) The Rukn Yamani
(9) The Hager Aswad
(10) Muzdalifa – the last portion of the night and between fajr azaan and sunrise.
The reader is also advised to use my publications, Kitabul Haj or Kitabul Umrah as it contains several diagrams of interest and importance to the pilgrim. The compiler and publishers of this book humbly request the readers to make due for them in the sacred places and if you go to Medina convey our salaams at the Most Holy and Purified Grave of theProphet (SAW).
Our Lord, aCCept from us (this effort) and forgive us, surely You are the Forgiving and Merciful.
Muhammad Saeed Banoo
13 Topaas Street
Ext-5, Lenasia 1820
1st Ramadaan 1412
Republic of South Africa
7th March 1992
Phone: (011) 854-4664
The journey to MeCCa and Medina is no ordinary trip. One visits extremely sacred places and paces through moments in which Allah aCCepts duas. Therefore one has to strive in duas at all times in these places otherwise the journey will be a fruitless exercise. In order to perform the pilgrimage in a correct manner with the right duas, this book provides with the same.
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